Times have changed so we've adapted.
For years we produced stacks of 2 dimensional paper drawings and sketches, today we utilize 3D modeling programs to explore ideas and concepts. It's simply the most efficient way to evaluate the aesthetics and cost of a particular design while conveying the concept to the client.
Once a concept is selected, the drawings are further detailed for estimating by suppliers and the different trades.
We believe it's important to determine cost early on and continue to monitor these estimates as the concept evolves so modifications can be made early in the proceess. We've all heard of that wonderful design that was just too expensive to build, so we like to take steps to avoid that outcome.
We design all of our work and of course welcome coordination with other designers and professionals involved with the project.
We'd be happy to discuss how this service might benefit your project. Please call with questions or to arrange a consultation.
Roger 208-582-0026 call / text